Wing box Fabrication

The Wing Box fabrication starts with the assembly of the welding fixture. Using deck screws we built-up the tooling to accept the 4130 steel tubing.

The boom mounts are the first parts that need to be bolted on to the fixture. Unfortunately at the time of wing box mock-up our shop was not quite set-up for welding. That meant we could not weld the boom mount washers to the 1.125″ tube. In the mean time we designed and 3D printed temporary inserts to act as the washer. This would allow us to align and bolt the boom mounts to the fixture. At that point we could proceed with the coping and fitment.

Brian Carpenter @ Rainbow Aviation has refined the coping process using templates generated using his CAD files.  He has produced a good video that describes the process.  Brilliant!


Custom 3D Printed Drill Tooling


Cutting Washers