Elevator Bellcrank Fabrication

The rear elevator bellcrank assembly is comprised of control horns cut from 1/8″ 4130 alloy steel welded to 3/4″ tube. The process starts with the cutting of the steel plate using our water-jet. Using some custom-machined tooling we temporarily fasten the control horns onto the tube. A quick fit check on the aircraft is followed by welding all of the parts together. Eye bolts are installed both on the control horn and the elevator and then linked with a push-pull tube for actuation.

The water-jet in action.

Checking the throw on the elevator bellcrank linkages. The bright green 3D-printed fork bolts are for testing only and will be replaced prior to flight.


Horizontal Stabilizer Outboard Rib and Aft Elevator Push-Pull Tubes


Elevator and Lift Struts